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academic council中文

用"academic council"造句"academic council" in a sentence"academic council"怎麼讀


  • 大學評議會
  • 學術委員會


  • The academic council has passed a statute of marking system .
  • Academic guidance at ceibs is provided by the academic council , which is composed of representatives from leading businesses and academic institutions in europe , china and the united states
  • Academic guidance at ceibs is provided by the academic council , which is composed of representatives from leading businesses and academic institutions in europe , china and the united states
  • He has served on various national and international committees , including currently the national manufacturing forum in the uk and the us engineering systems academic council . professor gregory is a fellow of churchill college
    他曾是多個英國以及國際委員會的成員,包括了英國國家制造學論壇national manufacturing forum以及美國工程系統學術局us engineering systems academic council等。
  • Professor gregory is the head of the manufacturing & management division and the institute for manufacturing at cambridge university . he has served on various national and international committees , including currently the national manufacturing forum in the uk and the us engineering systems academic council
    Professorgregory是劍橋大學制造及管理處( manufacturing & managementdivision )以及制造學中心( instituteformanufacturing )的主管。他曾是多個英國以及國際委員會的成員,包括了英國國家制造學論壇( nationalmanufacturingforum )以及美國工程系統學術局( usengineeringsystemsacademiccouncil )等。
用"academic council"造句  
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